Battle Tower Data

When you challenge the battle tower, your party is recorded in your save file and transmitted to others when you mix records.

This data is almost identical to the Mossdeep Trainer data, except it seems there are no winning/losing quotes here.

Data Layout

0x0000 - Mystery Value (Word)
0x0004 - Trainer Name (7 Bytes)
0x000B - String Terminator (0xFF)
0x000C - Trainer ID (Word)
0x0010 - Introduction Phrases (6 Halfwords)

0x001C - Pokemon 1 (44 Bytes)
0x0048 - Pokemon 2 (44 Bytes)
0x0074 - Pokemon 3 (44 Bytes)

0x00A0 - Checksum (Word)
         This is just the sum of the 160 byte 
         structure.  I assume it is used to 
         check for fiddled-with data.


Pokemon are stored in 44 byte structures as follows:

0x00 - Species           - Halfword
0x02 - Held Item         - Halfword
0x04 - Move 1            - Halfword
0x06 - Move 2            - Halfword
0x08 - Move 3            - Halfword
0x0A - Move 4            - Halfword
0x0C - Level             - Byte
0x0D - ??  (always 0x00) - Byte
0x0E - HP EV             - Byte
0x0F - ATK EV            - Byte
0x10 - DEF EV            - Byte
0x11 - SPD EV            - Byte
0x12 - SP.ATK EV         - Byte
0x13 - SP.DEF EV         - Byte
0x14 - Trainer ID        - Word
0x18 - Poss. IVs         - Word
0x1C - Personality       - Word
0x20 - Nickname          - 10 Bytes
0x2A - ??  (always 0x00) - Byte
0x2B - ??  (always 0xFF) - Byte

Last updated 10:35am 17/01/2011 by User
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