Final Fantasy XI from Steam
This page basically explains my problems when running the FFXI Ultimate Edition via Steam on Windows 7 and how I fixed those problems.
Basically, when I tried to load Final Fanasy XI from the PlayOnline viewer, it would close abruptly and display no error messages. Helpful, I know. There was an entry in Windows Event Viewer, but it didn't give any details beyond the fact that it was pol.exe causing the problem.
To cut a long, painful story short, there is a Windows Vista/7 compatible version of the PlayOnline Viewer available from the PlayOnline website that does not come with the FFXI Ultimate Edition on Steam. You have to install this new version in the folders created by Steam, usually under your Steam folder, then SteamApps/Common/FFXI.
Select the FFXI folder (not the SquareEnix/FinalFantasyXI folder) and hit install. You should then be able to run FFXI without a hitch.
You may have to run the Check Files option when you load up PlayOnline as my Mog House in FFXI was messed up with a checkered floor and the sound of the sea instead of the expected room with a way out...
The Windows Vista/7 compatible PlayOnline viewer can be found:
There is a difference, so make sure you get the right one.